
we are FLOORED!

 We are floored, both literally and figuratively.  Here are some before and after pictures. The living room: The dining room and kitchen area: The bathroom: Miscellaneous places after flooring was installed: It's nice to walk on floors again instead of the cold concrete foundation.  Thanks to Jeremy, Wendy, and Ray for all their help.  It looks amazing. -K

House Update

 Hello everyone!! Sorry it has been so long since we have posted. We have been busy working on the house and I got busy over the holidays with work.  Our house is coming along and starting to look more like a home and less like a construction zone. We painted the kitchen and "hallway" yellow. Kevin installed lights in the kitchen so I can now see what I am doing when baking and cooking. Our neighbor across the street came to help us paint as well!! I have always wanted a yellow kitchen and spice rack on the wall. I am so in love and have spent many hours in the kitchen cooking and baking.  Kevin also spent a ton of time building a pantry. There was a weird hole in the closet from the bedroom behind the pantry. From this hole, we found there was a lot of void space that we decided to put to use. I can't wait to put our food stuff away! Our food has been homeless since June!! Kevin also stained the livingroom ceiling and added track lights. Our neighbors used to ask why we

new YouTube channel

I created a YouTube channel to supplement this blog. The channel has the same name - Hayley and Kevin 2014 . I uploaded a few videos of Annie for now. Eventually, I will be uploading some videos of the house, such as time lapses for projects and before-and-after videos. If anyone wants to see something in particular, let me know (send me a text, call me, or comment on this blog). -K

Annie (part two)

Image was the day. Annie died at the Purdue Emergency Room this evening. I was following her around the yard today and saw she was bleeding while using the bathroom.  So we made another trip to the ER.  The vet ran bloodwork and her bad kidney values were very elevated, she was anemic, had white blood cells in her urine, had another urinary tract infection, liver enzymes were elevated, blood pressure was 220 systolic, and a couple other things I can't remember.  We euthanized her this evening after giving her a chocolate kiss.  A vet once told Hayley that every dog should try a piece of chocolate once in their life. Born: January 17, 2009 Gotcha day: After multiple owners and months in the shelter, Hayley picked her up on August 11, 2015.  Ask Hayley about this story sometime.  It's a good story to hear. Died: December 13, 2022; she almost made it to 14 years old. R.I.P., Annie. -K

Annie (part one)

Just an FYI for everyone, Annie is not doing so well.  She was diagnosed with kidney failure early last month and the vet said she has no more than six months left.  With how she's going, it is going to be much sooner. Here is a little timeline for those that may be interested: Hayley picked her up from the Humane Society at Boulder Valley in August 11, 2015 (picture below).  She was a pudgy one weighing close to 70 pounds. In spring of 2020, she was having some weird leg issues.  When she got excited, her legs would twitch and give out.  So the days Hayley would get home, Annie would be so excited that she would just lay there because her legs would not move right.  We put her on CBD oil and it helped a ton. July 19, 2021, a mass on her spleen ruptured in the night.  This alone should have killed her but no.  She's too resilient.  She had surgery the next morning (June 20) and a few hours later, she was given back to us spleenless and a couple pounds lighter.  After the brief

Progress on the House and New Business

  I (Hayley) started up a new business: Hoosier Housesitter LLC. I am working on the final touch ups still but I have my license, bank account, and business cards. I am slowly starting up and have been using Rover as my way to get established in Indiana. I have enjoyed watching animals again while still having time to work on our house.  Almost all of our kitchen cabinets have been installed aside from the one that goes above the fridge and our liquor cabinet and wine rack that will be installed near the front door.  I was super excited to unpack our kitchen items and have a mostly functioning kitchen again. Our range makes an annoying loud pitched sound constantly and will be looked at by GE services on Friday.  Our guest bedroom has been painted and Kevin worked hard to get the trim installed. It is not quite finished but it is finished enough so that we can stay in there while we continue working on the rest of the house. We spent our first night sleeping in there two nights ago and