Annie (part one)

Just an FYI for everyone, Annie is not doing so well.  She was diagnosed with kidney failure early last month and the vet said she has no more than six months left.  With how she's going, it is going to be much sooner.

Here is a little timeline for those that may be interested:
  1. Hayley picked her up from the Humane Society at Boulder Valley in August 11, 2015 (picture below).  She was a pudgy one weighing close to 70 pounds.
  2. In spring of 2020, she was having some weird leg issues.  When she got excited, her legs would twitch and give out.  So the days Hayley would get home, Annie would be so excited that she would just lay there because her legs would not move right.  We put her on CBD oil and it helped a ton.
  3. July 19, 2021, a mass on her spleen ruptured in the night.  This alone should have killed her but no.  She's too resilient.  She had surgery the next morning (June 20) and a few hours later, she was given back to us spleenless and a couple pounds lighter.  After the brief healing period, she was back to being a puppy.  She had super high energy and destroyed every cardboard box available.
  4. November 03, 2022, she was diagnosed with kidney failure.
So, this is not something from which she can bounce back.  Today, she had a visit to the emergency room because she had a sudden onset of shaking (like a shiver but not from the cold), eyes were partially closed and would not open fully, her head was bobbing up and down, she would not eat nor drink, had labored breathing, and general lethargy.  She barely walked but made it to the truck.  In the parking lot of the ER, she threw up.  The vet did not find anything unusual and Annie was mostly back to normal when they brought her back in the room.  She thinks Annie may have been seizing this morning which would cause her to be so lethargic and acting funny.  She has been moving pretty slow since the vet visit, sleeping every chance she can, and is not eating again.  Also, she weighed in at 48 pounds today (*eek).

Here are some pictures because...why not.  She's a very photogenic dog.

Sunny day Annie.

2015 Annie.

Rainy day Annie.

Couch potato Annie.

"I'll wave with my ear" Annie.

Sith Lord Annie.  Mua hahahaha.

Symmetric Annie.

Shower Annie.

Squished Annie.
This is also what Lieutenant Dan would look like if he were a dog.

Breakfast in bed Annie.

Happy Annie.

Tattoo Annie.

Ambulance Annie.

"I'm watching you" Annie.

Spy Annie.

Yawn Annie.

Laser pointer Annie.

Sleepy Annie.

That's all for now.

