House Update

 Hello everyone!! Sorry it has been so long since we have posted. We have been busy working on the house and I got busy over the holidays with work. 

Our house is coming along and starting to look more like a home and less like a construction zone. We painted the kitchen and "hallway" yellow. Kevin installed lights in the kitchen so I can now see what I am doing when baking and cooking. Our neighbor across the street came to help us paint as well!!

I have always wanted a yellow kitchen and spice rack on the wall. I am so in love and have spent many hours in the kitchen cooking and baking. 

Kevin also spent a ton of time building a pantry. There was a weird hole in the closet from the bedroom behind the pantry. From this hole, we found there was a lot of void space that we decided to put to use. I can't wait to put our food stuff away! Our food has been homeless since June!!

Kevin also stained the livingroom ceiling and added track lights. Our neighbors used to ask why we sat in the dark not knowing that we actually had lights on in the house. It is so nice to have better lights now!! Kevin has become quite the electrician here!

We also painted the livingroom and added in our liquor cabinet by the front door!! Now you can walk in, hang your coat up, grab a drink, and hang out in our home. :)

We hope all of you are doing well!! 
